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Bubble hot spring of seven points for attention


Badengbadengresort hotelspa


Not every kind of hot spring is fit for soaking, not too hot, too sour springs

bubble, the temperature at 30 to 45 degrees C is relatively appropriate.

Don't think the longer soaking, the effect is better, especially the hot

spring water, soak for too long, the loss of skin moisture and grease

tachycardia, skin instead of lubrication, it will cause dry and itchy,

especially dry skin. The other for too long can lead to cardiac load is

overweight, cause of the so-called "evil" soup
Try to avoid immediately soak hot springs, it before or after meal interval

should be at least 60 minutes after a meal is appropriate.
After the long journey should not be immediately wash hot spring, best first a

little rest, such as the physical recovery after soaking into the hot spring

 Easy to insomnia with lukewarm spa advisable, best can lay a little soak, if

feel headache, nausea, palpitations, should not be soaked. With a specific

disease, or has a special physiological condition, is our responsibility to

pay attention to the safety of bubble hot spring
After the hot spring pools up normally need not rinse again, but the people

who are allergic to the skin, or the spring mass concentration is too high,

better then rushed up, not to have the opposite effect.
To be on the safe side, children's water temperature is unfavorable and

exorbitant, adults should test first .
                                         Badengbadeng resort hotel


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